Hyderabad: Superstar Salman Khan hosted reality show Bigg Boss OTT 2 will witness second eviction of the season tonight. In the weekend special episode, Salman will be seen asking contestants to take a guess about who they think will be the first to leave the house. The contestants who fear eviction are Bebika Dhruve, Jiya Shankar, and ex-flames Palak Purswani and Avinash Sachdev.
In the episode which will be airing tonight, Salman will be seen having a conversation with contestants about elimination. In the latest promo of Bigg Boss OTT 2, Khan is seen asking contestants, "Ek guess le lo kaun ja raha hai aaj ghar ke bahar (Guess who is going to leave the house today)." Following Salman's instructions, Manisha Rani shares who she thinks will get evicted from the Bigg Boss OTT 2 house. In her opinion, it could be Palak Purswani or Jiya Shankar who will be eliminated from the show. When Salman asks Bebika Dhurve to guess, she takes the names of Jiya Shankar and Avinash Sachdev.