Hyderabad: Bigg Boss OTT 2 participants Akanksha Puri and Jad Hadid shared a kiss for 30 seconds as part of a task in one of the recent episodes of the show. Their kiss created ripples in the house, however, Jad later in the show referred to Akanksha as a 'bad kisser'. While having a conversation with his co-participant Avinash Sachdev, he whispered, "She (Akanksha Puri) is a bad kisser." Pooja Bhatt was disappointed and enraged by this.
Pooja Bhatt slammed Jad Hadid and said, "I'm sorry, but you're a b***h if you're saying that. You seemed to enjoy it very much." Jad then informed Pooja that Akanksha was shaking throughout the kiss. Pooja lost her calm and said, "Obviously, what would a girl do if she is asked to kiss in front of the whole world?" That comment was inappropriate. I'm sorry I disapprove of it. Not cool. Not cool at all. You don't say that."