Hyderabad: Bigg Boss OTT season 2 has a lot more buzz than previous seasons, with everyone from social media influencers to veterans like Pooja Bhatt entering the BB house as contestants. The show ended with YouTuber Elvish Yadav winning the trophy, who competed against Abhishek Malhan (Fukra Insaan), Manisha Rani, Pooja Bhatt, and Bebika Dhurve. Read on to know how the finale unfolded.
Avinash Sachdev and Falaq Naazz's performance
Evicted contestants Avinash and Falaq performed on Main Tera Boyfriend song. Their sizzling chemistry was the cherry on the cake. Other contestants also performed on different tracks, such as Pooja Bhatt and Bebika Dhurve performed together. Pooja was the the top five finalist and Bebika was the top 4 finalist in the show.
Abhishek Malhan skips performance
First runner up Abhishek Malhan (aka Fukra Insaan) of Bigg Boss OTT 2 was hospitalised right before the show's finale. "Just got to know Abhishek is quite unwell and probably admitted in the hospital," his sister Prerna wrote on Facebook, adding, "he won't be able to perform for you tonight. He has thoroughly entertained us during the season. Let us all hope for his quick recovery."
Badshah set the mood with his rap skills