Hyderabad:In a recent update shared on the official handle of JioCinema, Bigg Boss OTT 2 makers dropped a sneak peek of a task inside the house. Housemates were seen standing in a circle surrounding a buzzer. However, the highlight of the clip was again an ugly exchange of words between Avinash Sachdev and Abhishek Malhan.
Sharing the clip, makers wrote: "Satta Badal ke task mein chidhi Abhishek-Avinash ke beech jung! To find out, watch the episode of #BiggBossOTT2 at 9pm tonight. Streaming free on #JioCinema." Currently, Abhishek Malhan is the captain of the house and also a fan favourite.
Reacting to the video, a social media user wrote: "Everyone is jealous of Abhishek's captaincy." Another fan of Fukra Insan (YouTuber Abhishek Malhan) wrote: "This idiot Avinash speaks a lot." Another user commented: "Avinash is jealous of Abhishek."