Hyderabad: India's highly popular reality show, Bigg Boss, is currently in its 17th season and is generating a lot of buzz and excitement. The Bigg Boss house has become a battleground, with numerous clashes taking place. In a new promotional snippet, comedian Munawar Faruqui and YouTuber Arun Mashettey found themselves in a verbal confrontation regarding the nominations. Similarly, another promo showed Isha Malviya and Abhishek Kumar getting into a heated argument following the nomination process.
As shown in the promo, Munawar Faruqui and Arun Mashetty clashed as they nominated one another. Their exchange of words escalated, leading to a fiery confrontation. Both of them were engaged in a spat, which eventually brought them face to face. Munawar expressed his boredom with Arun, stating, "Arun bhai main bore ho raha hoon aapse (Arun brother I am getting bored of you)." Arun, in response, shouted vehemently, and said, "Munawar jiska koyi mudda hai nahi." This prompted Munawar to start booing, to which Arun retorted with, "Chota bachcha!"