Hyderabad:In the upcoming episodes of Bigg Boss 17, Mannara Chopra experiences an emotional breakdown, expressing her desire to leave the show, while her fellow contestants attempt to console her. Simultaneously, Isha Malviya and her boyfriend, Samarth Jurel, engage in a heated argument.
The recent episode of Bigg Boss 17, which aired last night, was filled with controversies and disputes. Several contestants struggled during the season's initial task. Sana Raees Khan served as the task reviewer and declared Mannara Chopra the winner, leading to a rift between Mannara, and other housemates. In the upcoming episodes, Mannara will be seen grappling with a meltdown.
Mannara Chopra is winning hearts with her innocence and endearing behavior. In a new promotional clip, Mannara becomes emotionally distressed after a significant altercation, expressing her reluctance to give any more attention to the situation. She even requests Bigg Boss to allow her to exit the show.
Throughout her time on Bigg Boss 17, Mannara has been candid with her opinions, often leading to arguments. She had a clash with Ankita Lokhande, who referred to her as a child. Mannara took offense and engaged in a heated exchange, where she labeled Ankita as cunning and dominating. Salman Khan advised Mannara during Weekend Ka Vaar to interpret it as a compliment rather than escalate the issue.