Hyderabad:Bigg Boss 17 commenced with a theme centered around Dil, Dimaag, and Dum rooms, grouping contestants based on their personalities and gameplay. However, after two and a half months, Bigg Boss announced the dissolution of these rooms due to contestants not maximizing their potential.
A recent promo for the upcoming episode reveals the elimination of the Dil, Dimaag, and Dum rooms. Moreover, Bigg Boss will provide sleeping bags for everyone, prompting contestants to hastily relocate their belongings and rations as sirens and lighting schemes build an atmosphere of panic in the house.
In the promo, Bigg Boss addresses the housemates, stating, "Armaan, expectations, responsibilities, these three houses in the neighborhood – Dil, Dimaag, aur Dum. The entire house is in a loop, and you all have been stuck in it. The system is lagging because you've been wearing masks. This neighborhood is divided into groups. Therefore, today, I'm shutting down this non-functioning system in the house. You all will now shift to Abhishek’s room – the neighborhood square. This is where you'll live and sleep."
The episode will also feature the weekly nomination round. During the nomination process, contestants are instructed to nominate others by pouring coffee on the person they choose, accompanied by stating their reasons. This nomination special on Bigg Boss 17, known for its high-octane drama, introduces a coffee-themed task. Contestants must nominate their peers for eviction by tossing coffee onto their faces.