Hyderabad: In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 17, which aired on Sunday, there was a lot of entertainment as Orry, also known as Orhan Awatramani, entered the house and had a great time with the contestants. However, amidst all the fun, Mannara Chopra, one of the strongest contestants, had a breakdown. She had a long conversation with her close friend Anurag Dobhal inside the house, where she alleges Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande of playing dirty politics in the BB house.
Housemates try to impress Orry
To welcome Orry to the show, there were housewarming parties organized in the house. In order to entertain Orry the most, each room was given a task to organize a party for him. Samarth and Abhishek tried their best to impress the social media sensation and succeeded in making him blush. Ultimately, Orry chose their house as the winner. Room number 1 won this task and as a reward, they got a special dinner and the option to take any ration from Room number 2.
Khanzaadi realises her mistake
After her actions on the Weekend Ka Vaar episode, Khanzaadi now regrets her behavior. She discusses this with Mannara and Munawar, who express their concerns that her behavior might negatively affect her relationships with others in the house.
Mannara Chopra on Vicky Jain - Ankita Lokhande's game plan
Mannara feels that her friendship with Munawar might get affected once again as she believes that there could be a divide and rule strategy against her. Mannara shares her thoughts with Anurag, stating that she's done with the show. Anurag tries to talk her out of it, but she remains upset. Mannara is deeply affected by Vicky giving her tags. In the latest episode, she breaks down in the dressing room. She attributes the divide-and-rule situation to Vicky and Ankita. Bigg Boss calls her to the confession room and asks her to bring Munawar along. The two have a moment, sharing a hug and dancing before returning to the house.
Sohail Khan, Arbaaz Khan bid Orry adieu
Sohail and Arbaaz welcome Orry to the house and bid him farewell as well. Orry meets the rest of the housemates and leaves. Sohail Khan and Arbaaz Khan make an appearance with their Just Chill segment. They announce that Orry was not a wild card contestant but just a guest who came to add some fun element to the house.
Vicky Jain's mother scorns Ankita Lokhande
Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain have a conversation with their respective mothers, who express concerns about their fights on the show. This emotional interaction between Ankita, Vicky, and their mothers takes place at the beginning of the episode, causing them to break down. Vicky's mother is particularly angry about Ankita's behaviour on the show and points out that she is not taking good care of her son Vicky.
Also read:
- Bigg Boss 17 day 42 highlights: Orry aka Orhan Awatramani enters as wildcard; Sunny Leone graces show to promote song on Weekend Ka Vaar - watch
- Bigg Boss 17: Salman Khan schools 'masterminds' Vicky Jain and Munawar Faruqui, teases Ankita Lokhande for THIS reason - watch