Hyderabad: In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 16, host Salman Khan will be seen asking contestant Abdu Rozik to come out of the house. In the latest promo of the show, Salman seems upset with the inmates for nominating Abdu consistently. In the Weekend Ka Vaar, Khan will be seen saying that everyone has nominated Abdu for the fact that he is strong. Salman instructed Abdu to come out of the house immediately leaving the singer confused and sad.
Soundarya Sharma and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia who share a good bond with Abdu were shocked to learn about Salman's decision. Nimrit even broke down into tears as she tries to stop Abdu. Will Abdu leave the show for real or was it a prank that Salman pulled on him? Wait for a few hours for the mystery to unfold in upcoming episode.
Earlier, Salman lauded Abdu for being the only contestant in the Bigg Boss show who was playing the game without any filter. Khan had said that Abdu is the youngest contestant in the house but he understands the game better than the rest.