Mumbai: In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 16, Shalin Bhanot and Tina Datta will be seen getting into a massive fight. The fireworks will also be seen after Shiv Thakare announces Priyanka Choudhary is more deserving to win ticket to finale rather than his Nimrit Ahluwalia.
In a promo shared by the channel Colors, Tina will threaten to slap Shalin if he questions her integrity. In the episode, the voice of Bigg Boss asked the contestants to vote for a change. While most of them offered a new name, Shalin stuck with Nimrit as the captain. This angered Tina and she accused him of playing mind games.
Tina said that Shalin has been plotting to dethrone Nimrit but wanted to come across as a friend to her, given she has the captaincy power. As Shalin claimed that Tina was the brain behind the planning, she called him 'dogla'. In anger, Shalin said that Tina has no integrity, and after she broke ties with him, she got close with MC Stan instantly.
Tina raised her hand and threatened to slap him for questioning her character. She also said that someone who didn't have respect for his ex-wife shouldn't talk about other women. Shalin said that this was Tina's biggest issue and that she is "complex".