Mumbai:In the upcoming weekend episode of Bigg Boss 16, friends turned foes Tina Datta and Shalin Bhanot will be seen getting an earful from Bollywood superstar and show's host Salman Khan. While Shalin gets schooled for using derogatory language for Tina, the host also pulled Uttaran star for revealing Bhanot's scandalous secret to co-contestant Priyanka Chahar Choudhary.
- Tina under fire for despicable claims about Shalin:
In the promo of Bigg Boss 16 upcoming episode, Salman is seen blasting at Tina for talking ill about Shalin with co-contestant Priyanka. Tina recently made some despicable claims about Shalin. She was seen telling Priyanka that Shalin was desperate to meet her and form a 'team' before they entered the house, adding that the actor has demanded something 'cheap' from her.
In the promo, Salman in his stern voice is seen scolding Tina as she revealed that Shalin had demanded "cheap stuff" before entering the Bigg Boss 16 house. Salman seemingly called out Tina's double standards as she "kept all this in your heart for 15 weeks when things were good with Shalin" and opened up only when things went south with him.
READ |BB16: Tina almost slaps Shalin; Shiv chooses Priyanka over Nimrit for ticket to finale