Mumbai:Television actor Veena Kapoor has cleared the air on rumours stating that she had been killed by her son. "This is absolutely fake news. Truth is another woman who too is an actor was murdered. I live in Goregaon and not in Juhu. I am alive and well. Please don't believe in fake news," the veteran actor said on December 16.
Kapoor said that she has been receiving many calls and messages about this. "I live with my son. I am alive, my son has not killed me,” she said. It was earlier reported that Kapoor had been killed by her son in early December over a property dispute. As it turns out, it was a case of mistaken identity that led to the rumours, which seemed to gain credence after Kapoor’s former colleague Nilu Kohli posted about her death on Instagram.
Media reports suggested that Kapoor had been bludgeoned to death by her son Sachin, when, in fact, it was another actor by the same name who was murdered by her son on December 6 in Juhu, Mumbai.