Hyderabad: Television actor and model Madhura Naik, who is known for her work in Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani and Naagin, shared that her cousin Odaya and her brother-in-law were killed by the Hamas terrorists amidst the ongoing war in Israel. On Tuesday night, the actor took to her social media handle to share details of the attack, claiming that the duo was killed in front of their kids on October 7 in Israel.
Taking to Instagram, Madhura Naik dropped a video sharing the gruesome deets of the horrors of the Hamas attack in Israel. She shared that women, children, and the elderly were being attacked and murdered in Israel in broad daylight. The video opens with Madhura introducing herself and then she goes on to say that her family is going through a lot of pain because of what is happening in the country.
Naik said, "I, Madhura Naik, am a Jew of Indian origin. We are now only 3,000 in strength here in India. On October 7, we lost a daughter and a son from our family. My cousin Odaya and her husband were murdered in cold blood in the presence of their two children. The grief and emotions that I and my family face today cannot be spoken in words."