Mumbai: The otherwise calm and composed Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan, looked visibly miffed during the recent episode of the streaming show, 'Case Toh Banta Hai'. The actor stormed off the sets of the show as he said: "I'm not a fool." The show's team, which expected a happy and humorous shoot day with AB Jr. were left with a sour aftertaste.
It so happened that comedian Paritosh Tripathi cracked a joke on Abhishek's father and legendary Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan. Abhishek immediately asked the makers to stop shooting, leaving Riteish Deshmukh and Kusha Kapila completely shocked. The actor said during the shoot: "It's getting a bit too much. I'm all game for myself. I get it, but let's not get to parents and all that. Mujh tak jokes rakh lena, pitaji ko lekar me thoda sensitive ho jaata hoon (I'm fine with jokes being told at my expense but I get sensitive when it comes to my father). Wo mere pita hain, mujhe acha nahi lagta (He is my father and I don't like it)."