Hyderabad: There has been a great deal of anticipation surrounding Zoya Akhtar's film The Archies since its announcement. The director has decided to cast newcomers, including Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda, Yuvraj Menda, Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina and Dot, in the lead roles. Zoya recently explained the reason behind her decision, stating that she wanted to avoid the preconceptions and expectations that often accompany well-known actors. Instead, she wanted the cast to be completely fresh.
Akhtar emphasised the importance of the new actors truly embodying their characters and convincing the audience of their authenticity. Additionally, she wanted them to appear youthful, around 17 years old, thus necessitating the use of young, unknown actors. Every audition was a thorough process, as each actor had to perform for every character. The casting directors not only considered the physical aspects of each actor, but also delved into their personality, essence and how well they aligned with the specific role.