Hyderabad: It's less than a month to Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan release and the makers are escalating promotional buzz at the right intervals. On Friday, team Jawan shared a glimpse of what went behind making Zinda Banda song from the film. The first song to be out from Jawan album, Zinda Banda created quite a frenzy upon its release on July 31 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. The making of Zinda Banda is an interesting behind-the-scenes compilation but the highlight of the promotional video is the endearing moment shared by Jawan director Atlee Kumar and SRK.
The 1 minute and 39 seconds long video opens with a shot of an audio recorder and dancers rehearsing their steps. From costumes to the technical crew going through the grind for the perfect frame, Zinda Banda making provides a birds-eye view into what went behind making the song for which SRK lip-synced for the first time in three languages.
Half a minute into the video comes a beautiful moment shared by Atlee and SRK. In the video, Atlee is seen thanking SRK for giving him a "lifetime moment" and hugs the charming superstar who seems equally content working with the young filmmaker from the Tamil industry. As the two main men of Jawan shares an embrace, cheers, and hoots filled the air.