Hyderabad: The box office performance of filmmaker Laxman Utekar's Zara Hatke Zara Bachke starring Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan slowed down throughout the week. However, film trade analysts still predict that the movie will surpass Rs 50 crore mark by this weekend. The 8-day total of the movie is currently Rs 40.8 crore. On Friday, the movie made Rs 3.42 crore.
Taking to Twitter, film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the eighth-day collection of the movie along with a weekend forecast. He tweeted, "#ZaraHatkeZaraBachke remains rock-steady on [second] Fri… Expect a jump in the biz over the weekend, has chances of hitting/crossing ₹ 50 cr by Sun night if the strong trend continues… [Week 2] Fri 3.42 cr [better than Thu 3.24 cr]. Total: ₹ 40.77 cr. #India biz."
Sharing the collections of national chains, he further wrote, "*National chains* / Week 2… ⭐️ Fri: 2.12 cr [better than *Week 1* Wed: 2.05 cr and Thu: 1.97 cr] #ZHZB biz at a glance… Week 1: ₹ 37.35 cr #Boxoffice."
Also read:Zara Hatke Zara Bachke BO day 7: Vicky Kaushal-Sara Ali Khan's film ends first week on promising note
Vicky Kaushal recently stated that he had always known that a "simple story" like Zara Hatke Zara Bachke will resonate with viewers. As a result of which the love that the film is getting is "beyond numbers" for the team. He said that the story of the movie - about a couple from Indore who struggles for privacy in a joint family, was narrated to him during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic when theatrical releases were not doing well.