Hyderabad: As expected, Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan's latest release Zara Hatke Zara Bachke had the best second weekend. The film helmed by Laxman Utekar surpassed Rs 50 crore mark at the box office on Day 10 of its release. The family entertainer opened with Rs 5.49 crore and registered good numbers over the first weekend. The business, however, dropped a bit during weekdays but the numbers remained steady and an upward trend was observed as the film entered its second week in theaters.
Taking to social media, the makers shared collections for Zara Hatke Zara Bachke box office Day 10. The film has a registered business of Rs 7.02 crore which is bigger than the Day 9 collection. The first week collections of Zara Hatke Zara Bachke minted over Rs 37.35 crore while week 2 raked in Rs 16.20 crore which brings the total to Rs 53.55 crore nett in the domestic market after 10 days of the film's release.
Zara Hatke Zara Bachke box office at a glance:
- Day 1 Rs 5.49 cr
- Day 2 Rs 7.20 cr
- Day 3 Rs 9.90 cr
- Day 5 Rs 4.14 cr
- Day 6 Rs 3.87 cr
- Day 7 Rs 3.51 cr
- Day 8 Rs 3.24 cr
- Day 9 Rs 5.76 cr
- Day 10 Rs 7.02 cr