Hyderabad: The love comedy Zara Hatke Zara Bachke starring Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal had a tiny decline on its first Monday after a strong opening weekend. On Monday, the movie, which received mixed reviews from critics, brought in about Rs. 4.41 crore, bringing its total profits to Rs. 26.73 crore. The hold suggests that the movie is on track to earn a lifetime total of Rs 50 crores, which ensures the movie's success.
Taran Adarsh, a film trade expert, shared the most recent box office data on Twitter, saying "#ZaraHatkeZaraBachke keeps its investors pleased on the key Day 4 [Mon]... After the weekend, a working day with a firm grip shows that people are enthusiastic about the movie. Mon 4.14 cr, Sun 9.90 cr, Sat 7.20 cr, and Friday 5.49 cr. In total: 26.73 crore. India business."
"Mass pockets / single screens are super-strong," he continued. "[Weekday pricing] National chains are steadfast as well. The decline on Monday [compared to Friday] is only 24.59%, which is really good," he added.