Hyderabad: Madhu Mantena, a well-known producer, is currently experiencing the best time of his life as he got married to his love Ira Trivedi. The couple exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony on June 11 and later hosted a grand reception that was attended by several A-list celebrities in the Bollywood industry. And now, the producer has been sharing pictures of his wife praising her on social media. However, a recent post has put Madhu on the radar of trolls.
Taking to Instagram, the newlywed producer shared a picture of his wife Ira Trivedi striking a beautiful yoga pose. Posting the photo, he wrote: "Now I am just showing off my wife 🥰." Though the post was made in good taste, it didn't land well with a section of social media users. Many found it inappropriate on the part of the producer to show off his wife saying she is an individual and not a thing owned by him to be shown off on social networking sites. Reacting to the series of pictures, a user wrote: "Ur wife is not a Material to be showed off." Another one commented: "Highly edited pictures it’s So clear…moreover showing off?" One more user wrote: "This is editing. 😂"