Hyderabad:The upcoming Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru directorial Yaariyan 2 courted controversy upon the release of its song titled Saure Ghar. The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), a Sikh religious community, accused the makers of the comedy-drama of using the Sikh Kakkar Kirpan in an objectionable manner in the song. The SGPC members argued that the way actor Meezaan Jafri wore Kirpan in some of the scenes have hurt religious sentiments.
Raising the issue, the SGPC, took to X, formerly called Twitter, and wrote, "We raise our strong objection to these visuals filmed, published in 'Saure Ghar' song of 'Yaariyan 2' film directed by Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru @SapruAndRao, as actor is seen wearing Sikh Kakaar (symbol of Sikh faith) Kirpan in a highly objectionable manner which cannot be accepted. This has seriously hurt the religious sentiments of Sikh community across the globe. Only an initiated Sikh has the right to wear Kirpan as per Sikh Code of Conduct of Akal Takht Sahib and the right given by the Constitution of India."
The Sikh community continued, "This video song is public at the official @YouTube channel of @TSeries, which must take it down with immediate effect. If any other platform is used to publish this video song with the said objectionable scenes must also take it down. We are immediately raising this objection through all channels to the Government and digital platforms."