Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela yet again took social media by storm with pictures from her supposed date with Solal Sayada. The actor, who earlier shared a selfie with Solal has now shared a few more pictures from their apparent date in Paris, France. Urvashi's pictures with Solal have left fans curious to know whether Urvashi has moved on from Indian cricketer Rishabh Pant.
Urvashi on Tuesday took to social media to share a string of pictures from a restaurant in Paris. The actor is seen donning a see-through top which she teamed up with a black crop top and a pair of denim. Urvashi looks gorgeous in the pictures clicked by Solal. The set of three pictures also features Solal flaunting his killer looks.
This is not the first time Solal has been featured on Urvashi's timeline. Last week, Rautela shared a selfie with Solal from Cheval Blanc Paris, which is considered a confidential haven for lovers to meet. Sharing the picture, Urvashi tagged the Solal and wrote, "Je ne regrette rien," which in English means "Honestly, I have no regrets."
Urvashi's latest posts with Solal have left fans curious about who this gentleman is and whether she has decided to leave Rishabh Pant alone. For those who are wondering -- 'Who is Urvashi Rautela's boyfriend Solal Syada?' -- your search ends here. Urvashi's rumoured boyfriend is a dentist in Paris.
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Soon after Urvashi shared pictures with Solal, fans are questioning 'Rishabh Pant ka kya hoga? (What will happen to Rishabh Pant?) Taking to the comment section a user wrote, "What's the matter madam?" while another wrote, "Is se badiya tho rishab tha pagli (Rishabh was better than this) ." A fan even went ahead to ask "When is the marriage?"
Last month, Urvashi was heavily trolled after she shared a picture of the hospital where Rishabh was being treated after car accident. Last year Urvashi and Rishabh remained in news for a long time and became fodder for memers. While Rishabh had cleared his side with "Mera Picha Chhoro Behen" remark, Urvashi apparently continued to prove her love for the cricketer with cryptic posts.