Hyderabad: Actor Vijay Varma, who is currently basking on the success of his most recent series Dahaad, gave a home tour and showcased his morning coffee corner, his precious sneakers, and a wedding picture of him and Alia Bhatt that left his mother in shock. Vijay showed a room in his house that is filled with portraits of himself, and a 'wedding' picture with Alia Bhatt.
In the video, Vijay narrated a funny story related to his 'wedding' picture with Alia. He siad that his picture with Alia was a 'practical joke' on his mom. "This is a wedding photo of me and Alia Bhatt from the sets of Darlings. It is Photoshopped, we did not shoot this. My mother freaked out and she was like 'You got married?' It was a practical joke on her," he said. Vijay also took the audience into his sneaker room, where he has all of his shoes in glass cases. He chuckled and said that his mother refers to it as his 'jooto ki dukan' (shoe store).