Hyderabad:Priyanka Chopra's recent interview on Dax Shepherd's podcast has once again ignited the campism and powerplay debate in Bollywood. The actor opened up about why she left Bollywood and started looking for a career in the US stating that she was being pushed into a corner in the industry. Though the global icon refrained from taking names, netizens and fellow celebs quickly pointed to Priyanka's feud with Karan Johar in 2012.
Taking Priyanka's side, Kangana posted a series of tweets blaming Karan Johar for sidelining outsiders. Going back in time, let us decode Karan Johar's tweet from 2012, wherein he seemed furious and went all out saying: To use their professional PR apparatus and conceal themselves behind so-called "friends" in order to get stories into tabloids is nothing but 'spineless' and 'lame'.
'Get a grip before it's too late!! Get a life!!! and don't mess with goodness....,' Karan added further. The tweets pertain to the time when rumours were rife of Priyanka getting close to Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Supposedly, Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan and her friends ganged up on Priyanka, forcing her to leave Bollywood. Defending Priyanka back then, her "friends" in the industry had said that why Priyanka alone had to suffer. The wives of actors, who are so insecure, should sort things out in their homes.