Hyderabad: The grandeur of fashion was on full display during the launch of Jio World Plaza, leaving a sense of excitement in the air. Tuesday night witnessed a downpour of glitter and glamour, with actors Rashmika Mandanna and Shehnaaz Gill effortlessly making a high-end fashion statement. Captured in a video from the star-studded event, the two actors can be seen deep in conversation, sharing huge laughter.
At the event, Shehnaaz bumped into national crush Rashmika Mandanna, and a video of them, which has surfaced on social media, is now taking the internet by storm. In the clip shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Shehnaaz and Rashmika were seen sharing huge laughter as they converse with one another. One would definitely want to know what these two beauties are laughing about. Reacting to the video, a netizen commented, "What's the gossip?!" Another wrote, "Two beautiful souls in one frame."
For the occasion, Shehnaaz opted for a plunging gown with a thigh-high that highlighted her toned figure, and she looked absolutely stunning. She confidently walked the runway, showcasing her captivating beauty in a fiery red ensemble.