Hyderabad:Student of the Year 2 director Punit Malhotra stunned social media users on Wednesday morning after he shared a black and white photo from the set with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Following his enormous success with Pathaan, directors from all sectors are lining up to work with him. Acclaimed director Punit Malhotra took to social media to surprise his fans by sharing a monochrome photo from the sets with SRK, fuelling speculations of a collaboration.
Punit wrote a heartfelt message along with Shah Rukh Khan's photo. Fans are speculating about their probable collaboration because he even referenced Dharma 2.0 in his caption. In the image, SRK is seen attentively listening to Punit as he gives directions. The Zero actor is pictured dressed semi-formally and looking incredibly dashing as always.
Sharing the photo, Punit wrote: "There are days that make it all worthwhile. Just to work with the man on set... The love, humility, charisma, and charm are unparalleled! I appreciate all that you do, mister @iamsrk, and your kindness." Shah Rukh is currently busy filming his eagerly anticipated movie, Jawan.