Hyderabad: Bollywood star kids Suhana Khan, Shanaya Kapoor, and her brother Jahaan Kapoor were spotted on Monday night in Mumbai as they went to watch a movie together. While Shanaya and Jahaan are the offspring of Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor, Suhana is the daughter of superstar Shah Rukh Khan and interior designer Gauri Khan.
In a video posted by a paparazzi account on social media, Suhana, Shanaya, and Jahaan could be seen leaving a theatre in Mumbai. They did not pose for the photographers and directly made their way to the car. Suhana took the back seat, while Shanaya was in the front of their car. For the outing, Suhana chose a black T-shirt, olive green pants, and black sandals. She could be seen carrying a small bag too. On the other hand, Shanaya opted for a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. She also carried a maroon bag with her. While Jahaan sported a black T-shirt and pants.