Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took to his official Instagram handle to share a lovely short clip of his darling daughter Suhana Khan as she turned a year older. The doting father turned to social media to wish his daughter princess Suhana Khan a happy birthday. Suhana Khan is the daughter of superstar Shah Rukh Khan and interior designer Gauri Khan and celebrates her birthday on 22 May.
She is one of the most well-known celebrity children, and on the special occasion of her birthday, the actor took to social media to wish his daughter with a sweet note along with a cute video. Suhana can be seen twirling in the video wearing ice skates while Harry Styles' song Watermelon Sugar plays. She looks great in a black crop top and denim. "Today is the day to get your Happy On....and forever," SRK captioned the post. 'I adore you, baby,' he added.
Suhana was also quick to respond to the post meant for her. At first, Suhana wrote 'Hehehe' along with a tongue-out smiling emoticon and a heart emoticon. Sometime later, Suhana again commented, writing: 'Loove you the most' with kiss emoticons and heart emoticons. The acclaimed actor's compassionate gesture warmed the hearts of fans and admirers.