Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor's latest film Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has become a hot topic of conversation this year. While certain shocking scenes have raised eyebrows, everybody agrees that the movie's music, particularly the background score, is highly praiseworthy. Fans have taken to social media, urging the makers to release the background songs. Earlier, Bobby Deol's entry song Jamal Kudu was unveiled. And now, on December 14, Ranbir Kapoor's entry medley song Roja Mashup has been released.
The song Roja Mashup is a version of AR Rahman's music, sung by Threeory, a Hyderabad-based progressive rock fusion band. This piece serves as the soundtrack for Ranbir's character, Ranvijay, as he arrives at a party. With the band playing in the background, Ranvijay takes to the dance floor surrounded by a crowd. Fans eagerly awaited the release of this highly anticipated song, and their numerous requests have finally been fulfilled.
Recently, the band spoke to a newswire and revealed the story behind their collaboration with director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. They recalled that they had met six years ago at Arjun Reddy's audio launch where their paths first crossed with Sandeep. About a week after this event, Sandeep stumbled upon their rendition of Roja on YouTube. Following a pleasant surprise phone call, they hastily made their way to Mumbai for a shoot, oblivious to what lay ahead. Just a day before the shoot, the director introduced them to Ranbir and Rashmika Mandana, revealing his idea for a grand entrance for Ranbir.
Also read:
- Animal box office collection day 13: Ranbir Kapoor's crime epic earns its lowest in India, soon to enter Rs 800 crore club globally
- WATCH: Bobby Deol looks charming in his entry song Jamal Kudu from Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal
- Bobby Deol shares Sandeep Reddy Vanga chopped off kissing scene between him and Ranbir Kapoor in Animal, likely to be retained in OTT version