Hyderabad: South superstar Ram Charan, together with his wife Upasana Konidela and their precious daughter Klin Kaara Konidela, has made headlines once again with their recent visit to Mumbai's Mahalakshmi temple. The trio has been captivating attention on social media, with pictures of them receiving blessings and heading towards their car. Despite being flooded by eager fans seeking selfies and interactions, the actor handled the situation with patience, putting his daughter's privacy first. He ensured that Klin Kaara remained unphotographed and covered his wife from the enthusiastic crowd.
For the temple visit, Ram Charan donned a white shirt teamed up with black pants, while choosing to go barefoot. He added a touch of style with his sleek black and gold sunglasses. Upasana looked elegant in an ash-colored co-ord dress adorned with floral patterns. Her hair was elegantly styled in a simple ponytail, beautifully complemented by statement earrings. Cradled in a pink cloth, Klin Kaara was securely held close by Upasana, and the couple managed to prevent any images of their daughter from surfacing.