Hyderabad: Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who recently made headlines for her podcast with Daz Shepard, arrived in India on Friday. The actor was accompanied by her husband and American singer Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. The family of three was spotted at a private airport in Mumbai.
This is Nick and Priyanka's first visit together to India after welcoming their baby girl via surrogacy in January 2022. While PeeCee did come home later last year to promote her haircare brand, this is her and Nick's first visit with their daughter. The couple was spotted at Mumbai's Kalina airport today at noon.
Priyanka opted for a pink top which she teamed up with a pleated skirt featuring a thigh-high slit. On the other hand, Nick looked cool in a navy blue hoodie and a pair of light blue denim. The Sucker crooner added an orange cap and cool shades to beat the Mumbai heat. Meanwhile, their little princess looked adorable in a gray frock.