Hyderabad:With Project K's official teaser and title released on Friday (Indian time), the excitement has only risen. From the videos and glimpses of the event all over the internet, a particular video of Prabhas talking about Ram Charan has gone viral for all the right reasons. The Baahubali star can be heard in the video professing his friendship with Ram Charan with a major revelation on any plans of their coming together for a movie.
A video in which Prabhas is seen discussing his bond with Ram Charan, saying, "Ram Charan is my friend, they are my friends. So we're definitely going to work one day" has left fans guessing about their future collaborations. This candid revelation has generated a frenzy among their fans who cannot wait for the epic pairing. "If it happens," one person wrote, "it will be the biggest collaboration in Indian cinema. Reacting to the video, another fan wrote: "Waiting for this combo."