Hyderabad: Over the weekend, a delightful 90's Bollywood-themed party was hosted by a couple, setting the stage for an unforgettable evening of festivities. What added a cherry on top of this celebration was the special appearance and performance by the renowned Punjabi singer, Navraj Hans. As the event wrapped up, the singer was spotted at the airport in Udaipur, where he took a moment to share some behind-the-scenes insights and convey his best wishes to the couple.
In a candid chat with the paparazzi, Navraj Hans couldn't contain his excitement as he spilled the beans about the spectacular affair, describing it as a "zabardast Dhamaka," which translates to a fantastic blast. With a smile, he exclaimed, "It was so much fun. Sangeet nights are known for their entertainment, and this one was no exception. It was truly spectacular, a blast that lasted for a whopping 2.5-3 hours. The couple is incredibly down-to-earth, and they showered us with love. We danced tirelessly, and everyone had a blast."