WATCH: Kangana Ranait says Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath 'couldn't hold back his teasr' during Tejas screening in Lucknow Hyderabad:Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and actor Kangana Ranaut attended a special screening of the movie Tejas in Lucknow on Tuesday. The film centers around the life of an IAF pilot and has previously been shown to Defense Minister Rajnath Singh and various Indian Air Force Officers.
Kangana Ranaut shared images from the Tejas screening at the Lok Bhawan Auditorium in Lucknow on her social media. She mentioned that CM Yogi Adityanath was moved to tears during the last monologue of the film, and wrote, Today hosted a screening of #tejas a film based on a soldier / Martyr’s life for honourable Chief Ministers @myogi_adityanath ji and As you can see in the first picture Maharaj ji couldn’t hold back his tears in the last monologue of Tejas. Ek soldier kya chahta hai."
After the screening, Kangana spoke to the media and emphasised that CM Yogi Adityanath was emotionally moved by the movie. She mentioned his support and encouragement to connect nationalists with the film, highlighting that it's not just about women's empowerment but also about women's power.
Tejas tells the remarkable story of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot, who aims to inspire and instill a strong sense of pride among all Indians. It showcases the relentless dedication of Indian Air Force pilots in defending the nation, despite numerous challenges. The film is written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, with a theatrical release date of October 27, 2023.
In addition to Tejas, Kangana Ranaut also has a slew of other projects in the pipeline. She recently announced the postponement of her production venture Emergency which also stars her as India Gandhi. During an interview with a digital platform, Kangana confirmed her involvement in Tanu Weds Manu 3 and a film with Tamil superstar Vijay Sethupathi. The actor will be seen essaying the role of Sita in Sita: The Incarnation, directed by Alaukik Desai. Kangana is also set to star in Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda.
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