Hyderabad: After fans loved Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan starrer Bawaal's trailer, digital creator Neel collaborating with the lead couple shared a fun video on social media. The promotional video is based on the theme 'Just another day on a film set.' In the video shared by Neel, the film's lead pair can be seen getting caught up in film sets gossip in the funniest way possible with the iconic 'Komolika' tune playing in the background.
Sharing the hilarious video, Neel wrote: "Kya matlab maine kuch makeup kiya hi nahi sirf bawaal kiya." The video garnered a lot of views within minutes of it being uploaded. In the video, Neel plays a make-up man who more than doing make-up indulges in gossip sessions.
Neel in the most subtle way tells Janhvi how people on the set believe her Hindi is not that good and she always takes re-takes. This makes the actor fume with anger. When asked where did he hear this from, Neel acts innocent and says he can't name anyone.
Similarly, Neel approaches Varun in the make-up room and spicing things up says that 'people' doubt your six pack abs and say it is all VFX. Varun loses his temper and guesses that Janhvi has been saying all this behind his back and has created a 'bawaal' on the set.