Hyderabad: Seasoned Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff, who has captivated the hearts of the audience with his acting prowess, also possesses a deep passion for the environment. It has become habitual for him to grace events with a small plant in his hand, which he presents as a gesture of gratitude to the host. This practice serves to further support a greener and fresher world. Recently, the actor garnered attention after partaking in a cleanliness initiative.
A video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram showcases the actor's participation in the cleaning of the steps at Mumbai's oldest Ram temple. The video went viral in no time and earned praise from netizens who were moved by his genuine and humble act. This cleanliness drive is linked to the upcoming Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the Ayodhya Ram temple on January 22, as per the appeal made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Several ministers and celebrities have been participating in cleaning temples throughout India. Alongside Jackie Shroff, Amruta Fadnavis, the wife of Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, also made her presence in the cleaning.