Hyderabad: With his power-packed performance at the International Indian Film Academy and Awards (IIFA), Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan yet again proved that he is entertainer no.1. The actor was among the 20 A-list stars who performed at Etihad Arena in Yas Island, Abu Dhabi on May 26 and 27, 2023. From his grand entry jazzed up with Nach Punjaban to pulling off an energetic performance, Varun was on fire at IIFA 2023.
Varun is known for his dancing skills as much as his acting chops. The actor added oodles of entertainment to IIFA 2023 with his spectacular performance. The 36-year-old actor set the IIFA stage ablaze as he grooved to multiple chart-topping numbers. The actor entered the packed Etihad Arena with a huge group of dancers while Nach Punjaban set the mood right for his performance.
In another viral video from the award gala, Varun is seen grooving to tweaked versions of Malhari from Bajirao Mastani and RRR's Oscar-winning dance anthem Naatu Naatu. With his killer dance moves, Varun seemingly delivered one of the best gigs at IIFA 2023.