Hyderabad: Sandeepa Dhar, who made her acting debut with the 2010 film Isi Life Mein, recently revisited her childhood home in Srinagar. Dhar's visit to the Srinagar home comes after three decades of her family being 'forced' to leave Kashmir overnight. Sandeepa, who hails from a Kashmiri Pandit family and was born in Srinagar, shared her emotional return to her childhood home on Instagram.
In the video shared on Instagram, Sandeepa recounted the past, mentioning how her family had to hastily pack their belongings into a single suitcase and flee the city. In a heartfelt caption, she expressed, "30 years back, my family was forced to run overnight from Srinagar, so we packed whatever we could in just 1 suitcase & fled."
The actor, in her heart-touching note, expressed hope that they would not have to 'run' ever again. "And now, 30 years later we returned to whatever remains of our home. The empty house stands & What remains are the memories that we had made almost 3 decades ago. And this time we don’t have to run. Hopefully never ever!" she concluded her post with a white heart emoji.