Hyderabad: Shah Rukh Khan achieved a remarkable milestone in the Indian film industry as he became the only actor to have delivered two blockbuster films, Pathaan and Jawan, each crossing the impressive milestone of Rs 1000 crore in a single calendar year. This extraordinary feat has firmly established him as the undisputed king of the box office. As the film continues to have a glorious run in theaters, King Khan's fans are leaving no stone unturned to celebrate the monumental success of the film. SRK's enduring popularity among fans is palpable as his admirers always outdo themselves by showering love upon him with heartfelt gestures.
Recently, the megastar took to Twitter to share a heartwarming video featuring a dedicated fan who had gotten a tattoo of Shah Rukh Khan's face on his back as a tribute to the actor's success in Jawan. In response, the actor displayed his trademark charm by commenting, "Thank u!! Hope it didn't hurt too much!! Ha ha."
Shah Rukh Khan's genuine connection with his fans is a well-known aspect of his persona. He frequently conducts interactive sessions on Twitter using the hashtag #AskSrk, where his witty and endearing responses never fail to win hearts.