Hyderabad: The renowned celebrity couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, fondly referred to as DeepVeer, recently embarked on a trip to Brussels in Europe to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. On Friday morning, the couple was captured at the Mumbai airport returning from their anniversary. Likewise, Ranbir Kapoor, who will soon be seen in his upcoming film Animal, was also spotted at the airport earlier today.
In a video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Deepika and Ranveer could be seen walking hand-in-hand at the airport. The Befikre star donned a printed black hoodie beneath a stylish green coat, paired with denim jeans. He covered his head with the hoodie and wore a black face mask, complemented by dark sunglasses. On the other hand, Deepika opted for a black hoodie with matching track pants, layering her outfit with a lengthy grey trench coat. The 14th of November marked the celebration of Ranveer and Deepika's fifth wedding anniversary.
Regarding their professional endeavors, Deepika is set to appear in the sci-fi action film Kalki 2898 AD opposite Prabhas, and in the aerial action thriller Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand, alongside Hrithik Roshan. Additionally, she has the film Singham Again in her lineup. Next, Ranveer will grace the screens in director Farhan Akhtar's forthcoming action-packed thriller Don 3.