Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Fans showed their excitement and celebrated the release of Mani Ratnam's magnum opus Ponniyin Selvan across the nation. In Tamil Nadu, fans gathered in huge numbers outside Rohini Silver Screens movie theatre in Chennai's Koyambedu. The celebration included the playing of drums and dancing in front of the cinema hall.
PS1 is a historical drama of a time when the Cholan Empire was at the height of its power. The film follows the power struggle between royal families as forces conspire to capture the Cholan throne. Ponniyin Selvan film used the names of real-life characters who existed at the time but the events are fictionalised to a larger extent.
The story is set in the 10th century during a tumultuous time in the Chola Empire when the power struggle between different branches of the ruling family caused violent rifts between the potential successors to the reigning emperor. The A.R Rahman musical is out in theatres, in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. Produced by Madras Talkies and Lyca Productions.
In Madurai, fans offered milk and put garlands around the actor Karthi's poster and performed the pooja and were seen bursting crackers. Speaking to a newswire, moviegoers in Tamil Nadu gave thumbs up to Ponniyin Selvan 1 and said "screenplay, VFX" will make Tamil film industry proud.