Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Bhumi Pedneker was recently papped with her rumoured boyfriend Yash Kataria at the Mumbai airport. Although the couple had managed to keep their relationship under wraps for several days, their love story got confirmed after the two were spotted kissing at Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani's wedding reception in February of this year.
In a video posted by a paparazzi account on Instagram, Bhumi could be seen exiting the airport with her boyfriend. The duo then got into the backseat of their car and left for their destination. For the journey, Bhumi opted for a comfy look. She was seen donning a black sweatshirt and paired it with white pants and matching sneakers. She wore black sunglasses and let her hair loose.
As soon as the video was shared, social media users swarmed to the comment section and showered the Pati Patni Aur Woh actor with compliments. An Instagram user commented, "Nice airport look. Casuals suit you!" Another user commented, "Awesome." While other users praised them as a couple with one commenting, "Love birds (with red heart emojis)." Another wrote, "Genuine and trusted (with a pink heart emoji)."
Also read:Deepika Padukone nails airport look as she departs for Project K shoot in Hyderabad, watch
Meanwhile, on the work front, Bhumi will be seen alongside Arjun Kapoor in the forthcoming thriller The Ladykiller. Directed by AjayBahl, the film revolves around story of a small town 'playboy' essayed by Arjun, who falls in love with a 'self-destructive beauty' portrayed by Bhumi. The movie also features Rakul Preet Singh in a significant role.