Mumbai: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan turned muse for his son Aryan Khan's directorial advert. Aryan got behind the camera for the ad of D'yavol X, which is being touted as a limited release luxury streetwear. On Monday, the young man took to Instagram and shared the ad's teaser which features none other than King Khan. Need we say the release of video has fans melting down as they see Aryan directing his superstar father?
In the teaser, a paintbrush is seen on the floor and presumably, Shah Rukh picks it up, although the camera's angle changes before the face is revealed. Towards the end, SRK's face appears for a split second. Sharing the video, Aryan wrote, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW_YZ X will be here in 24 hours...Follow @dyavol.x for exclusive content."
The clip garnered loads of likes and comments. Aryan's sister Suhana dropped a string of red heart emojis in the comment section. Meanwhile, fans are going berserk over Aryan directing SRK. Reacting to the video, a fan wrote, "Waited for this day for years," while another said, "Like father like son...handsome duo." An admirer of King Khan chimed in, "What a blessed family."
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Those who are waiting for Aryan to enter showbiz need not wait longer as he has already completed the writing of his first project which he will also be directing. Though Aryan has imbibed his father's killer looks the star kid never intended to be an actor. In 2019, SRK on David Letterman's talk show said that acting is not something that excites his son as his inclination is toward writing and direction. (With agency inputs)