Hyderabad: Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is known for expressing his views actively on Twitter, and 'The Kashmir Files' director had recently posted a tweet on the micro-blogging site, questioning actor Nawazudding Siddiqui on his statements related to the movie 'The Kerala Story', but later on he deleted the tweet from his official account.
In a recent interview, reacting to the 'The Kerala Story' ban, Nawaz said that if a movie is 'hurting someone, then it is wrong' and they don't make films to hurt the audiences or their sentiments. In order to take a dig at Nawaz's statement, Vivek was quick to tweet, “Most Indian middle class families feel unnecessary abuse, violence and perversion in movies and OTT shows hurt them and their children… Nawaz can suggest whether most of his films and OTT shows should be banned? What are your views?”