Hyderabad: Bollywood film director Vivek Agnihotri has declined to attend the upcoming Filmfare Awards, where his film The Kashmir Files is nominated in seven categories, including Best Director. Vivek has stated that he does not want to be a part of an 'oppressive and corrupt system or awards that treat writers, directors, and other HODs and crew members of a film as inferior to stars.'
Vivek wrote a long note criticising the awards and discussing the rise of a new parallel Hindi film industry in response to a tweet about the Filmfare nominations this year. Vivek announced on Twitter on Thursday, 'I learned from media that #TheKashmirFiles is nominated in 7 categories for the 68th Filmfare Awards. But I politely decline to be a part of these unethical and anti-cinema awards. Here is why: Aside from the stars, no one has a face, according to Filmfare.'