Mumbai (Maharashtra): Makers of the upcoming drama film ‘12th Fail’ on Thursday unveiled the film’s official teaser. Taking to Instagram, production house Zee Studios shared the teaser which they captioned, “ ‘Zabaan chalana shuru kahan ki ab tak - Chambal ka hoon, samjha?’ Experience 12th Fail, inspired by Anurag Pathak’s bestseller. An authentic portrayal of the lives and struggles of UPSC students. Based on a true story, filmed on real locations with real students, this saga of grit, integrity and determination reflects the truth of a million Indians. Presenting the teaser of #12thFail. ‘Zero se kar #Restart!’ Releasing 27th October.”
Helmed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the film stars Vikrant Massey in the lead role and is all set to hit the theatres on October 27 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam. The film is based on Anurag Pathak's best-selling novel, about the incredible journey of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS officer Shraddha Joshi. It is also inspired by millions of true stories of students attempting the world's toughest competitive exam - UPSC.