Hyderabad: Actor-couple Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Varma are awaiting the release of Lust Story 2. The couple, who recently confirmed their relationship, will be sharing the screen space for the first time. In an interview, Tamannaah shared that with Lust Stories 2, she dropped her 'no-kiss policy' for the first time. After she told Vijay about it, all he could say in response was a humble 'Thank you'.
It's been nearly two decades now, and Tamannaah has always maintained her 'no-kiss policy' in the industry. She is well-known for her work in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil films. Recently, in an interview, Vijay stated, "I met her (Tamannaah) for the reading at Sujoy Ghosh's office, and I think we broke the ice there. She said she has been working for 17 years. She had a no-kiss policy in her contract. And then, she was like, 'I have not done anything like this before. In the end, she told me that I'm the first actor she's going to be kissing onscreen. And I was like 'thank you'."