Hyderabad: Vijay Varma and Tamannaah Bhatia are seemingly in no mood to hide their relationship any longer. The rumoured lovebirds were spotted together after a dinner date in Mumbai on Monday night. The video of Vijay and Tamannaah from their dinner date is doing rounds on the internet evoking varied reactions from netizens. The actor is getting mocked by trolls for dating the diva while fans jumped in his defense.
A video of Tamannaah and Vijay being spotted after a supposed dinner date was shared by a paparazzo on social media. The couple was seen in a chill and relaxed mood even though they noticed paps enthusiastically recording them. The duo also waved at the photogs as they zoomed out together in a car.
Soon after the video of Tamannaah and Vijay's dinner date landed on social media, it invited trolls for the Mirzapur star. The actor was mocked for dating the 'diva'. Taking a dig at Vijay a user wrote, "Can't believe...she said yes to him?" while another said, "kalyug hai bhai...kcuh bhi ho sakta hai...langoor ke haath me angoor."