Hyderabad:Actor Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan have been cherishing precious family moments with their little ones, Uyir and Ulag since 2022. On Monday, the couple delighted their Instagram followers with snapshots of their Christmas festivities. Sporting matching red outfits, the family of four, including Nayanthara's mother, Omana, captured hearts with their adorable holiday pictures, garnering immense adoration from fans.
The couple has been sharing delightful family photographs across various social media platforms. To celebrate Christmas this year, Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan shared adorable pictures with their sons Uyir and Ulag, alongside Nayanthara's mother, Omana. Accompanying the photos was a heartfelt caption that read, "Merry Christmas to everyone who believes in love & prayers. Believe in God and all the powerful manifestations that keep you alive."