Mumbai: Bollywood star Vicky Kaushal on Tuesday said he has completed filming for the first schedule of his upcoming film "Sam Bahadur". Directed by Meghna Gulzar, the movie is based on the life and times of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, one of India's greatest war heroes. The film went on floors in August.
Vicky, who plays the title role in "Sam Bahadur", took to Instagram to share the update. "After more than 2 months of relentless work across 5 cities... it's a SCHEDULE WRAPPP for the bahadurs!!! Few more cities and few more months to go. See you soon Team, to continue our journey of making #SamBahadur @meghnagulzar @rsvpmovies (sic)," the 34-year-old actor captioned a series of photos from the film sets.